Streamlining Staffing With RPO

Recruitment process outsourcing, or RPO, is a powerful tool for companies looking to expand their talent pool without wasting time, money, and energy on the staffing process. Recruitment is not just an HR issue; staffing is a critical business problem, and your staffing solutions should align with your broader business goals.

Writing accurate job descriptions, marketing your brand effectively to potential hires, posting jobs, finding, interviewing, extending offers to the best talent, and retaining talent after hiring are all part of the recruitment process. Success in each step takes time, careful attention, and follow-through. 

By outsourcing recruitment to a company like Incipio Workforce Solutions, you hand over part or all of a cumbersome process to experts, freeing your team to focus on what they do best.

Customized RPO solutions spur recruitment

It’s critical to work strategically to have the most efficient and effective staffing process possible. Recruitment strategy is not simply finding and hiring the right candidates; it includes planning around current and future roles in the company, developing short—and long-term staffing goals, and examining employee retention and turnover, productivity, morale, and expenses associated with staffing. 

Partnering with an RPO company like Incipio gives you a dedicated team of recruitment experts ready to understand your company’s unique requirements. Incipio’s dedicated team can develop and implement a streamlined staffing solution that reduces costs while finding quality candidates. 

Custom RPO solutions are scalable to reflect current needs

A company is not static; companies regularly grow or downsize depending on current business conditions and plans. Incipio can rapidly respond to changing plans with a customized RPO solution, helping you scale your staffing solutions accordingly.

Technology integration keeps your hiring process up-to-date

The landscape of recruitment technology changes fast. A dedicated RPO solution that stays on the cutting edge of technology for staffing solutions frees up your team so they can focus on finding top talent instead of adding learning and testing new technology to their already full plates.

From applicant tracking systems to AI-driven candidate sourcing, Incipio vets new recruitment technology, allowing you to leverage their expertise to elevate your hiring process. Incipio’s platforms integrate seamlessly with your company’s existing systems, creating a unified solution that handles data and hiring processes efficiently and securely from the start.

Keep your hiring efforts organized and reduce turnover with an RPO staffing solution

The staffing process doesn’t end when the job position is filled. Staff retention strategies are a critical component of the recruitment process, and Incipio offers RPO solutions that take a holistic approach to workplace alignment. Your RPO solution should support the following:

  • HR functions
  • Scheduling
  • Time and attendance tracking
  • Payroll management
  • Onboarding and training

RPO solutions like those offered by Incipio should also strive to identify and address internal issues that may lead to turnover, aiming to increase job satisfaction and employee retention. Taking a whole-career approach to recruitment ensures you hire talent ready to commit to your company while creating a culture that encourages employees to remain loyal.

Custom RPO solutions deliver high-quality candidates

Through a customized RPO solution, Incipio will draft job descriptions that are targeted and accurate and post open positions on the best sourcing platforms (Monster, Indeed, LinkedIn, etc.) for the particular job, all to ensure the right candidate lays eyes on your job posting. Customized solutions also consider the specific verification processes required (education verification, drug screen, etc.), streamlining the hiring process and weeding out any applicants that are a poor fit.

Strategic interview processes are also key to hiring in-demand talent. Clunky or disorganized interviews turn off prospective hires, and they often have up to 10 active applications out to different companies at any given time, so a positive impression can make a difference in snagging the talent you want to work in your organization. Impressing a potential hire with an interview process that is efficient and aligned with the position in question encourages desirable candidates to accept offers and commit to investing their time and energy into your company.

Incipio stands out as an RPO staffing solution

Incipo’s innovative RPO solutions offer customization, scalability, technology integration, dedicated teams, and quality hiring results that set them apart from other RPO solutions on the market. If you’re ready to streamline your hiring process, attract quality hires, and proactively reduce turnover, contact Incipio today to see how our custom RPO solutions can help your company soar.


Incipio Workforce Solutions is a strategic partner in helping businesses thrive through recruiting, HR solutions, direct hire recruiting, employer branding, team building, and more! Since 2015, Incipio has been on a mission to transform the way companies attract, engage, and delight their team members. Our professional services break down the challenges you face and create manageable goals, obtainable standards, and process improvements to reorganize, revitalize, and redefine what was into what is possible. Comprised of expertise in HR, Recruiting, Employer Branding, and Service, Incipio gives companies the tools they need to successfully manage their employee experience from interview to retirement. For more information on how we can help you and your business, call us at 502-409-4821 or email us at [email protected].

Reducing Turnover and Reinvigorating Your Brand: The Power of RPO

RPO, or recruitment process outsourcing, is a partnership between your company and a team of experts who create a custom-fit comprehensive recruitment, onboarding, and staff retention strategy for your company’s goals. Top talent is easier to find when a specialized RPO team takes on the process, working seamlessly with your in-house team to provide talent services for which you don’t have the bandwidth or expertise.

RPOs can track down untapped talent pools.

When you outsource your recruitment efforts, you can relieve multiple pain points for your team. When you’re in need of talent, project delays can be a costly side effect. RPO services can tap into the best available talent pools, speeding up the process of finding valuable candidates so your company can get the work done sooner.

An RPO can make recruiting a revenue-generating process.

An RPO can also help you structure internal mobility to help decrease turnover and increase your bottom line. Recruiting top talent is easier when a prospective employee can see how they’ll be able to grow their career within your company, and retaining that employee long-term reduces recruitment expenses while increasing your bottom line through a career’s worth of productivity.

RPOs keep hiring efforts coordinated.

RPOs can pull together hiring systems across multiple locations through advanced databases and analytics, coordinating your hiring efforts so that the right people find the right opportunities. This organization keeps talented candidates updated so they see a well-oiled machine when involved in the hiring process. Looking professional to prospective hires is as important as their professionalism, and you develop a reputation for precision when you use an RPO’s ability to integrate hiring systems across locations.

RPO services keep your team from being swamped.

All in all, recruitment is a major undertaking that can swamp already busy team members on your own staff, so RPO solutions like the services offered by Incipio can be a highly effective way to bring on a team to help, relieving some pressure for your staff while invigorating your hiring process. RPO teams know the ins and outs of recruiting for multiple industries and can develop effective recruiting strategies that revolutionize how you hire.

An RPO Supports Your Recruiting Efforts in the Long Term

RPOs work closely with your internal teams to develop a full recruiting strategy for you and facilitate recruitment work. Instead of looking to fill one or two specific positions like a staffing or temp agency would, an RPO will support your recruiting efforts from start to finish. An RPO will develop recruiting strategies that reflect insider knowledge of your industry, create and fine-tune job descriptions to find the best talent, schedule interviews, coordinate pre-onboarding and streamline onboarding, screen candidates, and more.

Your business will benefit long-term when you develop a working relationship with an RPO service, as their guidance and process development will allow you to maintain agile and effective recruiting efforts now and into the future.

Industries That Benefit from RPO Services

RPO services are highly beneficial across a wide range of industries. From technology and healthcare to finance, retail, and manufacturing, companies in every sector can leverage RPO to enhance their recruitment processes. Each industry has unique challenges and needs when it comes to hiring, and an RPO can tailor strategies to meet these specific demands. For example, in technology, RPOs can help find highly skilled developers and engineers, while in healthcare, they can focus on recruiting qualified medical professionals. This versatility makes RPO an invaluable resource for companies aiming to attract top talent and streamline their hiring processes.

Manufacturing Recruitment Requires Expertise

Manufacturing recruitment is a field with unique considerations for attracting talent. Manufacturing jobs require unique skill sets and the right geographic location, and the talent pool for such hires can be competitive!

Turnover in the manufacturing sector is also increasing. If manufacturing companies want to maintain a dedicated workforce, they must develop an employer brand for existing and prospective employees that shows loyalty and investment in their workforce.

Incipio Provides Manufacturing Recruitment Solutions

Morris Packaging is a multi-million dollar flexible packaging manufacturing and design company in the Midwest that wanted an overhaul of its manufacturing recruitment strategy to improve talent acquisition and reduce turnover. They turned to Incipio in the spring of 2020 to act as an ongoing RPO for Morris Packaging, lighting the spark to ignite a new direction in manufacturing and corporate recruitment for the company.

Because Incipio is an RPO solution that has developed a team whose expertise spans multiple industries, developing an effective recruitment strategy by focusing on employer branding was rapid and effective. With targeted messaging and an authentic, honest approach, Incipio was able to jump-start Morris’s recruitment process and build a sustainable stream of hiring and retention options.

Building Positive Brand Awareness to Attract Talent Through Authenticity

Incipio helped Morris develop an employer brand and positioned their team to become brand ambassadors, telling prospective hires what they could expect when they came to work at Morris Packaging.

Incipio took these authentic, compelling messages and brought them to the prospective talent pool through a dual digital and on-the-ground strategy. By building an online social media presence and spreading messages about the satisfaction of existing employees and the possibilities available for prospective hires, the campaign increased its reach by thousands of impressions each month. Ongoing investment in online outreach helps create a digital footprint speaking to Morris’s investment in their team.

Incipio also spearheaded community outreach efforts that helped develop a word-of-mouth presence for Morris in the schools, career services, and churches, attracting 65% more applicants by the fourth month of the Incipio partnership. Incipio created the capacity to allow prospective hires to tour facilities and see the opportunities available in real time. They revamped job descriptions and helped restructure salary ranges to create competitive, accurate job listings that would attract the best talent to fit the position.

Developing a dual strategy to build positive brand awareness showed concrete results for applications in a few months, and that strategy has continued to pay off year after year. But how did Incipio help with turnover rates?

Discover the Full Impact of Our Partnership

To delve deeper into how Incipio transformed Morris Packaging’s recruitment and retention strategies, we invite you to explore our detailed case study. Learn more about our tailored approach, the challenges we addressed, and the remarkable results we achieved. Download the case study today and see how Incipio can revolutionize your workforce solutions. Click here to access the case study.

How to Shift Workplace Culture and Decrease Turnover

Incipio knows that an RPO solution must do more than just find talent; full workplace alignment is the key to decreasing turnover. The onboarding process for new hires must instill confidence, and the workplace culture must shift to prove to employees that they are valued members of a team.

Incipio worked with Morris to reinvigorate investment in employees, developing robust training programs that helped new and existing employees develop skills and increase their mobility within the company. Morris also increased their outreach efforts to employees, seeking opinions and providing performance evaluations tailored to support employees and understand the areas where Morris could make changes to improve employee satisfaction.

Within 90 days of these new strategies, Morris had a 50% reduction in employee turnover. That metric has continued to shrink, proving the efficacy of the workplace alignment efforts Incipio set in motion.

Incipio’s manufacturing recruitment practices make a workplace a magnet for talent

When Morris Packaging needed an all-in-one RPO solution to revitalize its hiring and retention efforts, it turned to Incipio. Their choice has proved to be a fruitful one, and four years later, their branding as an employer is strong and clear, and their workforce is now robust.

Incipio Workforce Solutions employs an RPO team that serves as a highly effective manufacturing recruiter. Not only is recruiting and hiring streamlined when Incipio is part of the process, but the long-term workplace culture changes that Incipio creates to reduce turnover lend strength to your brand.

To read the full details about Incipio’s ability to revolutionize the hiring culture at a company, download our case study on Incipio’s impact on Morris Packaging’s workforce.

If you’re ready to get started building positive brand awareness to improve your recruitment process, connect with Incipio Workforce Solutions today!


Incipio Workforce Solutions is a strategic partner in helping businesses thrive through recruiting, HR solutions, direct hire recruiting, employer branding, team building, and more! Since 2015, Incipio has been on a mission to transform the way companies attract, engage, and delight their team members. Our professional services break down the challenges you face and create manageable goals, obtainable standards, and process improvements to reorganize, revitalize, and redefine what was into what is possible. Comprised of expertise in HR, Recruiting, Employer Branding, and Service, Incipio gives companies the tools they need to successfully manage their employee experience from interview to retirement. For more information on how we can help you and your business, call us at 502-409-4821 or email us at [email protected].